Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thematic Map

A thematic map is used to display a particular set of data on a map.  The apportionment of the House of Representatives map is an example of a thematic map.  The map displays data associated to the number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives as well as the number of seats changed when compared to the previous apportionment.

Topographic Map

A topographic map shows the physical topography of a selected area.  The topographic map of Australia shows the significant topographical regions of the country.  The topography of the country is indicated through the use of various colors and shading incorporated into the map. 

Planimetric Map

Planimetric maps are two dimensional maps line maps that show only the relative location of different features on a map. The road map of Florida (above) is an example of a planimetric map. Florida's counties are shown in different colors and features including cities and major roadways are shown on the map.  The map represents only county boundaries and major roadways, but does not represent topographical relief or any other physical characteristics.